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Media release


26 October 2001

Premier and Trade, Peter Beattie


Premier Peter Beattie today announced a review of the internal government
arrangements for management of native title in Queensland.

"Native title is vital to delivering clarity and equity to land and
resources management in the State and I want to ensure that we have the most
effective structure within my administration for the management of native
title," Mr Beattie said.

"It is essential that native title processes are integrated to the maximum
possible extent throughout Government so that dealings with Government are
consistent and transparent.

"For the past few years, native title has been dealt with in the Department
of Premier and Cabinet but I now want to examine whether that is the best
structure for the future."

The Minister for Natural Resources and Mines has the major carriage of land
and resources management in the State, so his Department would be considered
as a possible location for the native title unit to deal with the broader
issues of land tenure in an integrated manner.

"I'm determined to maintain Queensland's leading role in reaching agreements
and resolving native title claims, so it's important to see if there are
more effective ways of organising Government resources," Mr Beattie said.

Over the next few months, relevant Ministers and Departmental officials will
consult within Government and with major stakeholder groups to suggest
responsibilities and structures that would be best suited to the future
requirements of native title in the State.

The review team has been asked to report back to the Premier in the New

Media Contact: Steve Keating 073224 4500

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